DIY Heroes: 10 Backyard Builders Changing the World

Popular Mechanics has stories of how the DIY and Maker community are changing the world (and we think for the better), and here at Local Tools we’re helping them do it:


“By repairing old bikes to donate them to the needy, creating a local tool library, turning abandoned land into a skate park and other creative projects, these do-it-yourselfers are building the change they want to see in the world.

Patrick Dunn and his buddies first discussed opening a tool library in October 2009. Like many good ideas, it caught on fast. Aided by a $20,000 city grant and use of an inventory-tracking computer system, the West Seattle Tool Library opened in June 2010. Today, it’s a 220-member DIY center offering workshops and loaning from a stock of more than 1300 manual and power implements.

Congrats to Patrick Dunn and the whole team at the West Seattle Tool Library!
